Ep. 19 - Joe Britton - Zero Emission Transportation Association

What jumps out about the Zero Emission Transportation web site - aside from it’s sparkling appearance and seamless user experience, is the headline that ZETA is pushing for 100 percent EV sales by 2030. That’s certainly what caught my attention so I had to get ZETA Exec. Director Joe Britton on the show to discuss how the US is going to increase EV sales by 95 percent in the next eight years. And what I got - and what you’ll hear - is an EV education from Mr. Britton. An expert in the field, Britton breaks down infrastructure concerns, charging misnomers, why the gas station model isn’t the right example - and yeah - tell me about this 100 percent idea. It’s 30 of the best minutes you’ll spend on EV information.

Learn more about EVs and ZETA at ZETA2030.org.


Ep. 20 - News You Can Use - 7/27


Ep. 18 - News You Can Use - 7/25