Ep. 2 - Don Owens - HNO Green Fuels & Burn Fuel Better
In perhaps the most enjoyable episode I’ve ever done, we welcome to the program Don Owens, a lifelong entrepreneur, lawyer, author, engineer, innovator and overall great human being who brings an infectious energy to climate change and clean energy. Founder and CEO of HNO Green Fuels, Owens created the LEEF2 which is aimed at reducing carbon emissions in the shipping sector through application to large scale diesel engines and generators. In addition, he’s made it his personal mission to reduce Black Carbon, which he has dubbed - ‘an Enemy to the Planet.’ Bold statement? Absolutely, but after you listen to Owens, you’ll quickly discover there’s no mincing of words - and he’s determined to get the word out about black carbon and the destruction it’s doing to the planet.
Be sure to check out Don’s book - ‘Burn Fuel Better’ - and learn more about his initiatives and businesses at hnogreenfuels.com and donclimateowens.com. Enjoy the Show.