Ep. 32 - Catherine McLean - Dylan Green
Not all recruiters are created equal and we learned that from a veteran in the business, Catherine McLean, CEO and founder of Dylan Green, a recruitment agency that specializes in the green and clean energy spaces. McLean details a little about her journey into recruiting, but then dishes on how she approaches including more diverse candidates, how a resume isn’t always a great indicator of the quality of candidate - and what a cover letter really showcases. Plus she let’s us know why she’s dedicated to being an entrepreneur and what keeps her going - plus what the Inflation Reduction Action means for green and clean energy recruitment. It’s a fun and informative listen with one of the best in her industry.
Plus, don’t miss out on the 2022 XPortCon Conference being held September 26 and 27 in Houston. Learn more about here and use Promo Code POWER10 to save immediately!
Click here for information on Dylan-Green and Catherine McLean.