Ep. 40 - Robert Jensen - ‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse’
I had to kick things up a notch for Episode 40 and did so in a big way with longtime writer, professor and celebrated author Robert Jensen. With 16 books to his credit, Jensen discusses what might be his most controversial piece, ‘An Inconvenient Apocalypse,’ which he co-wrote with another legendary scribe, Wes Jackson. In the book, Jensen and Jackson’s take an unpopular stance in terms of how the current global climate crisis will fare - that it’s not going to end well for civilization regardless of what measures are taken. In this episode, Jensen also shares the feedback he’s received on the book and how there is a growing contingent of folks who believe a societal collapse is inevitable and that it’s preparation on the other side of the collapse that’s most important. He details how crises of consumption and meaning are at the root of the impending calamity and that a societal fix isn’t likely. But this isn’t some doomsday prophecy and Jensen shares how love has fueled this project that’s been more than 40 years in the making.