Ep. 44 - Ahmad Atwan - VC Fuel - Clean Energy Services

By far one of the most impressive people to join The Power Connect, entrepreneur and founder Ahmad Atwan shares a host of impressive insights, career moves and how he has drawn on a successful oil and gas career to fuel his current endeavors that are already making waves in the renewable industry. A veteran of BlackRock and Morgan Stanley, Atwan details getting to know James Baker, how to approach CEOs and his strategy to closing deals, why labor and the grid may be the two most overlooked aspects that could slow The Energy Transition, how he and his team are building the ‘Schlumberger’ of Renewable Services and the investments and approach he’s taking to Clean Tech and renewable investing through his Venture Capital Firm - VC Fuel. No matter what kind of podcasts or show you watch or listen to, some just stick out more than others because of how good they are thanks to the guest — this is one of those episodes.

Learn more about Ahmad Atwan, Clean Energy Services and VC Fuel.


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