Ep. 34 - Daniel Roesler - UtilityAPI

Data collection leading to better energy efficiency? It’s one thing to suggest it and it’s another thing to demonstrate it. However UtilityAPI Founder and CTO Daniel Roesler and his team have uncovered that and more in the last eight years since they looked to streamline and improve the process in which companies acquired utility billing information and now UtilityAPI has become the go-to clean data collection company leading the energy transition. They’ve also become active in the data and consent regulatory space and are helping municipalities and companies alike achieve better energy efficiency - and - why Daniel says you won’t see UtilityAPI joining the analytics fray anytime soon.

Learn more about UtilityAPI and Daniel Roesler.


Ep. 35 - Michael Eyman - Origis Services


Ep. 33 - Aria McKenna - Becoming the Change