Ep. 35 - Michael Eyman - Origis Services

From defending his country as a Navy Pilot to now defending his country’s energy independence, Michael Eyman is leading the charge at Origis Services with doses of optimism, diligence and realism. In today’s episode, Eyman, the Managing Director for Origis Services, shares its genesis and why joining them made sense for him personally and professionally; why litigation isn’t always the answer; the need for more transparency in the solar industry and how the Inflation Reduction Act might make things a little more difficult before it gets better in the renewable sector. Eyman also shares the big Day Zero event happening at the Origis Operations Center in October that’s been postponed the last two years - thanks to you guessed it - Covid. Definitely one of the best Power Connect episodes yet - Eyman pulls no punches and makes it clear that Origis Services is ready to take the lead in solar and renewable operational excellence.

Learn more about Origis, Origis Services and Michael Eyman.


Ep. 36 - Hawk Dunlap - Well Control Intl.


Ep. 34 - Daniel Roesler - UtilityAPI